Download PDF The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books

"One of the greatest inspirational and motivational books ever written." — Norman Vincent Peale
In this bestselling self-help book, a successful businessman reveals the secrets behind harnessing the unlimited energies of the subconscious. Millions of readers have benefited from these visualization techniques, which show you how to turn your thoughts and dreams into actions that can lead to enhanced income, happier relationships, increased effectiveness, heightened influence, and improved peace of mind.
World War I veteran Claude M. Bristol (1891–1951) wrote The Magic of Believing to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life. A pioneer of the New Thought movement and a popular motivational speaker, Bristol addressed those in all walks of life, from politicians and leaders to performers and salespeople. His timeless message of the powers of focused thinking and self-affirmation remains a vital source of inspiration and a practical path to achievement.
In this bestselling self-help book, a successful businessman reveals the secrets behind harnessing the unlimited energies of the subconscious. Millions of readers have benefited from these visualization techniques, which show you how to turn your thoughts and dreams into actions that can lead to enhanced income, happier relationships, increased effectiveness, heightened influence, and improved peace of mind.
World War I veteran Claude M. Bristol (1891–1951) wrote The Magic of Believing to help former soldiers adjust to civilian life. A pioneer of the New Thought movement and a popular motivational speaker, Bristol addressed those in all walks of life, from politicians and leaders to performers and salespeople. His timeless message of the powers of focused thinking and self-affirmation remains a vital source of inspiration and a practical path to achievement.
Download PDF The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books
"I suggest listening to the audio on Youtube. It edits out a lot of the blah, blah, blah. Powerful if you believe in believing in yourself. The mirror technique I found to be very powerful."
Product details

Tags : The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind [Claude M. Bristol] on . <DIV> One of the greatest inspirational and motivational books ever written. — Norman Vincent Peale<BR>In this bestselling self-help book,Claude M. Bristol,The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind,Ixia Press,0486832546,Self-actualization (Psychology),Self-actualization (Psychology).,Success,Success.,Telepathy,Telepathy.,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / New Thought,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Motivational,Body, Mind Spirit/Healing - General,Body, Mind Spirit/New Thought,Business Economics/Motivational,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success,Self Help,Self-Help/Dreams,Self-Help/Motivational Inspirational,Social Science/General,new thought; self-help; business; success; metaphysics; unlimited energies; subconscious; visualization techniques; telepathy; J.B. Rhine; ESP; positive-mind
The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books Reviews :
The Magic of Believing The Classic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Your Mind Claude M Bristol 0800759832545 Books Reviews
- This was a book that I think is actually even more impactful than Think and Grow Rich, but it never got the accolades that Napoleon Hill's book got. Reading this book, really puts a lot of things into perspective about how the mind enters into the results that we get in life. It makes things about as clear as you could possibly want them to be, about understanding how to dictate your life through the power of thought. Amazing book, highly recommend.
- I suggest listening to the audio on Youtube. It edits out a lot of the blah, blah, blah. Powerful if you believe in believing in yourself. The mirror technique I found to be very powerful.
- This is my fourth reading of this classic on psychokinesis. I have very good intuitive thinking therefore it takes very little to convince me of the existence of the powers of the subconscious mind. I am a believer of the Big Bang theory and have great respect for science and astrophysics. Electromagnetism, vibrations and radiation bear much in this thinking. I believe this book is a must read by everyone both religious and nonreligious can be greatly stirred and inspired with confidence in their dealings with life.
- FABULOUS BOOK. Bought it because I knew George Burns valued it, and I valued George Burns. Lots of the old vaudevillians swore by it as a means to achieve your dreams. The language is a little "trippy" now that it's many decades later, but the value is still all there. The value of seeing and believing in your dreams is well explained and if you model your thinking and your life after this thought process you cannot fail. It's well worth reading. It's the predecessor to all the "Law of Attraction" and the like but just without the God aspect. All of the teachings that follow come from this - do you yourself a favour and read the original.
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT - I was given this book when I was 14 years old and have read it many times over the last 59 years. It has had a positive influence over me many times.
Buy this for your young child, it will change their life. - This book along with Harold Sherman's book, Your Key to Happiness, should be part of everyone's library and read several times. In this book, Claude Bristol does an excellent job in explaining the law of attraction and how it's working whether you are aware of it or not and how it can bring positive OR negative experiences, events, circumstances, people your way--and explains step by step how to consciously use it.
- I have been studying many of the self help book about the laws of attraction, and the power of thinking, etc.... and I must say that Claude Bristols books are beyond Powerful.... They give you examples, and step by step ways of improving your life by practicing the way you think. None of these books will be any good to the person who isn't willing to put forth the Mental Labor necessary to change their life. Like everything else in life... Life is what you put into it, and make of it. You acquire success by hard work. and once you've learned these Laws in life and discover how they work, you MUST spend time every day (morning is the best) practicing in thinking. Thinking on what you want and seeing it over and over and over again.. Its work pushing out other thoughts that try to creep in? thoughts that don't even matter, thoughts that say "you cant have that, you cant do that, you cant be that.." It takes hard mental labor daily to develop "The Magic of Believing"
- I came upon this book many years ago and it really helped me turn my life around. Several years ago, I bought the CD of the book so I could listen to Claude Bristol tell his stories as a means of reinforcing what has helped me succeed in so many endeavors including finances, relationships, and career. I recently had to replace it because I sold the car and left the CD in the car! I hope the new owners will give it a try. I have to think that it was meant for me to leave it behind for them to find.
No matter where you find yourself in life, every day is a new day and a new opportunity to set things right and move on with a new life. I highly recommend getting this CD for your daily drive or listening at home, as well as buying the paperback book. The one with the red cover. They still sell the original version and believe me when I say, you will not be disappointed. It's brilliant.